At The Mathews Group, LC, our lawyers provide compassionate assistance for clients who are seeking to terminate a biological parent's rights. This action may be appropriate in cases where the biological parent is no longer a part of the child's life. Termination of parental rights can clear the way for the child's adoption by a loving stepparent or relative.
Schedule a consultation online with a Mathews Group attorney to discuss your case. From our law office in Leawood, KS, we represent clients throughout the Kansas City metro area in Kansas and Missouri.
When Can a Biological Parent's Rights Be Terminated?
A parent's rights can be terminated in one of two ways:
- Voluntary relinquishment: The relinquishment of parental rights must be in writing and acknowledged before a judge or an officer authorized to take acknowledgments.
- Involuntary relinquishment: The natural parent's rights may be terminated on several grounds, such as abandonment without financial or emotional support for six months.
In deciding whether to terminate the rights of a parent involuntarily, the court will give primary consideration to the best interests of the child. Once a parent's rights are terminated, he or she will not have visitation rights and will not be required to pay child support.
Contact a Kansas City Family Attorney at Our Firm
We encourage you to schedule a free consultation online or call us at 913-660-0664 to discuss your case today.